West Memphis

Located at 3235 East Broadway in West Memphis, AR.

If you are looking for a certain vehicle please fill out our contact form and we will notify you when we get one in.

The link for the contact form can be found at the bottom of any page.

Scroll to bottom for more information about what we require to purchase a vehicle with us.


Instant Autos Sales Department
3235 East Broadway, West Memphis, AR 72303


Instant Auto Credit Finance Department
3235 East Broadway, West Memphis, AR 72303

Like us on Facebook @InstantAutosandMoreWestMemphis

31 Vehicles Matching:

Like us on Facebook @InstantAutosandMoreWestMemphis

What do you need to bring when purchasing a vehicle from AMC/IACC?

*Valid Driver’s License.
*Social Security Card
*2 Current Paycheck Stubs.
*Light Bill or Lease.
*Trade in Title (If Needed) and Any Keys.
*Credit Application (Linked in Credit Application Tab) with:
-6 References with Full Name, Full Address, and Valid Phone Number.
*Proof of Insurance with:
-Instant Auto Credit Corp. P.O. Box 616
Brookland, AR 72417 Listed as Lienholder.
-$500 Comprehensive and Collision Deductibles.
-Person Purchasing as Insured Driver.
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